On New Year’s Day I had the pleasure of photographing this formal resort elopement in the round room of El Monte Sagrado. Howard Bad Hand led the soft vows after a quiet sage smudging ceremony. The wedding couple was blessed as were their rings and quiet prayers were offered. The tobacco ties were gorgeous and because the “something blue” of the wedding.
Newlyweds' kiss captured in a mirror reflecting Native American art
Star Quilt wrapped around wedding couple on New Year's Day
Bride and groom exchange rings, Ribbon shirt in background
Peacepipe and tobacco ties with newlyweds rings
The chandelier and art tower the wedding couple at their wedding ceremony
The officiant speaks candidly to the bride and groom during the ceremony
Taos, NM local lights sage to perform smudging before wedding ceremony
Wintertime wedding ceremony for couple eloping at El Monte Sagrado
Indigenous art décor next to newlyweds
Wedding details of rings, a peace pipe, ribbon shirt
Bride and groom hold a peace pipe on their wedding day
Indigenous wedding ceremony at resort El Monte Sagrado
Officiant, Howard Bad Hand, smiles as he presents the blessed peace pipe to the bride and groom
Pipestone peace pipe and blue tobacco prayer ties
Blessings and prayers are quietly sung throughout the wedding ceremony
Reflections of the minister, bride, and groom reflected in the grand piano
Morning New Year's Day wedding reflected in piano in round room at El Monte
Howard Bad Hand blesses the wedding rings at the New Year's Day wedding
Smudging ceremony is performed by wedding officiant
Native American wedding ceremony in Taos, NM
Local Native American, Howard Bad Hand, officiates wedding ceremony
Star Quilt wrapped around newlyweds at January 1st wedding