Engagement Session at Overland Sheepskin Company

Engagement Session at Overland Sheepskin Company

Kath and Brian are visiting Taos from New York City and wanted some photos with the mountains. We had a beautiful overcast sky and the mountains were on their best display. I loved that this couple wore hiking boots with their dress-up gear (they hiked the South Boundary Trail the day before)! We took some traditional photos and some more casual photos with the landscape and some local art. By the end of our shoot the sunshine was out and it felt like a Taos summertime again!

Wedding at First Presbyterian Church in Taos, NM

Wedding at First Presbyterian Church in Taos, NM

This bride and groom were long time Taos locals before moving away and settling up in Colorado. The church, First Presbyterian of Taos, is conveniently located in the middle of Taos next to Kit Carson Park and a beautiful church for a wedding ceremony in a sanctuary. The exterior and interior of this old church are the traditional Pueblo style: adobe on the outside and adorned indoors with vigas on the ceiling and a simple cross on the wall. Afterwards the photographer took this couple out for a few photographs with the great Taos Mountain. Congratulations to lovely newlyweds!

Family Portraits in Springtime

Family Portraits in Springtime

After many months of beautiful browns in the backgrounds, we are finally moving onto beautiful, green backgrounds! I absolutely love this time of year! I forget how many different tones of green our earth shares. How one flower can brighten an entire portrait!
We have been busy with family and baby portraits this spring. The grass is enticing to the babies, the warm weather is actually fun to hangout in (as opposed to those winter shoots)! Call Poetic Images to schedule your springtime photo shoot of your loved ones. Most photo sittings are done in under an hour and all of your photo proofing is done online from the comfort of your home!

Penasco High School Senior Portraits

Penasco High School Senior Portraits

Another awesome senior shoot with a Penasco High School senior! Adam was a great model and didn’t complain once about the cold and wind! We walked around The Overland Sheepskin Company and took photos for almost an hour. We were able to get about 100 fantastic shots with many of them being completely different poses. Congratulations to Adam and his upcoming graduation!

High School Senior Photo Shoot

High School Senior Photo Shoot

It was a very cool 36 degrees when I had this senior tromping through the snow to get the photos we wanted! Although we were very limited with the light, we were able to achieve portraits with many different backgrounds and many different looks. High school senior photos usually only take about one hour and we end up having fun! No matter if we are in the winter, autumn, spring, or summer, your seniors’ photos will be outstanding!

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